Friday, July 20, 2007

What a

Although I'd like to say 'On behalf of my connationals (chileans)..' I can't. So, I'll only say on behalf of myself, I am truly sorry for disrupting the peace in such a perfect country like Canada. I've been reading all the canadian news related to the incident after the match Chile-Argentina yesterday in Toronto. I've put particular care on reading the people's comments about it. And I have to say that I am truly shocked to see how people (perhaps most of them canadians) reacted. Though not everyone (but pretty much all of them), people seem to think everything is due to the fact that Chileans (and south americans in general, who are used to this sort of behaviors according to their words) do not know or dimension the fact that they are now in a law abiding country. Some of them (the most offensive) even dared to say that we (chileans) have no word to say about human rights or police brutality because we are a country too used to it (because of Pinochet). I can;t described the feeling of being insulted in such a way just because some Canadias think they are superior to people like 'those'. Words like 'pathetics', 'animals', 'delincuents' just confirm the fact that, to the eyes of many Canadians (up to my knowledge, North America is comprised of three countries: Canada, USA and Mexico; so, if someone says he or she is northamerican I am not quite sure what he/she means), people coming from south american countries (or african as some of them clearly say) are third class people and so, they deserve to be treated like that. One quote to wrap up all what I've said. Someone wrote: 'If you behave like animals, you deserve to be treated as such'. Nice, isn't it?

So, it seems I was partly right when I wrote (in my previous post) that something of racisms was in all this. But I never thought that racism in Canada, a country in which 99% of the population are IMMIGRANT, was so strong. Taking aside the incident itself, I can't help feeling insulted by people who think they are superior in every single aspect to 'out-of-north america people'. It feels like when the middle brother takes off his frustration by brutalazing the small brother just because the oldest one treated him badly (that Canada has been treated as 'puppies' or 'mupets' of some other countries is not new and certainly wasn't created by me)....anyways, I stil want to think that these guys are not the majority in a country that, so far, has been great for me and my family.


Anonymous said...

Very crisp and clean.If I Were you I'd send it to Now Public. I'm not a big sports fan but I get it.

Simon said...

I'm sure that most Canadians do not tolerate this type of injustice. We'll have to wait and see.

DubLiMan said...

I like patriotism for country that has given one so much; for you Canada, for me the US. I find your style interesting, a little funny and quite readable.

I would like to offer you the concept of a link swap. Check out my site If you agree, go ahead and link my site to yours and leave me a comment that you have done so. Include your URL in the comment and I will immediately do the same.

I would like to add a Canadian blogger to my blog roll.

I found you through your forum question.

Joe the Conservative said...

Nice check out my blogs when you get a chance